The main objective of the individual physical therapy is to relieve and gradually eliminate any accute pain of a patient. The therapy consists of examining and diagnosing the patient, followed by choosing the most appropriate method to meet the objective.
Feet diagnosis is done with the assistance of the Podoskop, a device specificaly developed to identify variations in feet physiology. These variations are oftentimes a source of other health problems, such as knee, hip or a lower back pain. The feet are corrected by proper individual adjustments of the Formthotics insoles.
This method is based on the principle of existing reflex relationships between the motion apparatus and the internal organs. It consists of 12 exercises of soft and mobilizing techniques. The aim is to optimize muscle tensions and to regain proper mobility in the spine and pelvis area. This leads to an improvement in functioning of female reproductive system.
Counseling and prevention are very important aspects in terms of staying healthy. The essence is to analyze everyday work, domestic and sports activities and to provide a patient instructions on how to perform these activities correctly. Static work in offices, overloading one side of the body or incorrect habbits in physical exercising are few examples where an advise and supplementary exercises may help to solve the health problems.
Taping is a therapeutic method that uses the effects of a hypoallergenic elastic band. The effect depends on a method of application. It is used to prolong the effect of therapy, to improve blood and lymphatic circulation and hence to promote healing. It is widely used in sports in treating athletic injuries and a variety of physical disorders. It can also help in dealing with abdominal diastases, incorrect body posture, flat legs etc.
Zahrňuje fyzioterapiu: • v domácom prostredí: po úrazoch, po operáciách, cvičenia v rámci prevencie a terapie akútnych a chronických ťažkostí pohybového aparátu • pre firmy: individuálne a skupinové cvičenia pre zamestnancov ako prevencia práceneschopnosti, poradenstvo a úprava pracovného prostredia • pre školy, škôlky, materské centrá: diagnostika a terapia pohybového aparátu a chodidiel u detí